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Sunday, March 23, 2008

New hedge

Here it is! 200 metres long, 1000 hedge plants ( sometimes called whips) with canes and plastic guards to form a double line and completed with volunteer labour in less than a week. The weather was kind to the plants by making the ground wet before we started and during the planting it was generally just cold and windy.

The mix of species is :
Field Maple,
Wayfaring tree,
Wild Privet,
Common Dogwood.
All these species are also present in our existing ancient hedges.
We followed the recommended procedure using a spade to make a slit deep enough and opened up enough to take the plant roots. Taking care to tread firmly in and then adding a cane and finally a plastic rabbit guard. Keeping a reasonably straight line was not always easy and the separation between rows and between plants in each line needed a watchful eye.
So in about 5 years time it should look very good and be a great new feature in our wild flower meadow for wildlife of all forms. It will also be a bonus for the adjoining field.

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