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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Do bats fly in the middle of the day?

I have posted several photos taken by Steve Dyer. He has also had a letter published in the current edition of Natural World issued to all members and which local members should have received by now. ( see p6). With it is a photo taken by Steve It was taken on the 8th of April this year at around 2.00pm in Burtle. As Steve says in his letter it is very odd sighting indeed!It is clearly a pipistrelle bat flying in daylight on a sunny and cold day. It is a rare event.It shows the value of having your camera with you when out of doors!


  1. Anonymous10:28 pm

    I saw a pipistrelle bat flying today (18th March 2008) at 13.15 hours near Pontypool in South Wales. The weather was cold and sunny

  2. Anonymous8:32 pm

    i too saw a pipistrelle bat flying (15th march 2009)at14.30 near clitheroe in lancashire. the weather was dry .

  3. Anonymous12:23 pm

    I have a bat flying at midday in July in north Yorkshire. Not sure what sort? Is this unusual as they are normally out in late evening here?

  4. Anonymous10:41 pm

    Today is April 14, at 5:30pm. It is cold and sunny and we have a bat flying all over our yard. I know we have a lot of bats in the trees around our home but why would only one be flying during the day?
