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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Fungi found locally

Having browsed the UNEP report and read George Monbiot's latest article in the Guardian both on the subject of what we humans are doing to our environment it is good to be able to post a few photographs I've taken in the last few days of wildlife subjects.

By clicking on each photo it should be possible to get a more detailed view of the delicate markings and structure of the plant. The first was damaged when I found it in case you are wondering!

On my own mini fungi foray I found these two specimens the first on a local hill side in the middle of an open field, north facing and grazed by cattle and the other in our garden growing on a dead log.

The first looks like a Chestnut Dapperling (lepiota castanea) , which is described as highly poisonous and the second is possibly Sulphur Tuft ( hypholoma fasciculare) which is also poisonous!
If anyone knows better please email me.