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Sunday, April 04, 2021

Latest news: Curry Woods Conservation Trust contact us at Lock down - again! Unfortunately plans for a second major planting session have had to be put on hold. We were particularly looking forward to a group of 30 from the school, led by Outdoors Coordinator Emily Langford, coming to plant on January 14 th. However, to our delight the school group was able to help us plant the last trees for this season on Wednesday 17th March. The children were very excited to be doing something different and they were quick to understand what they needed to do to plant the trees correctly. Peter Goodenough demonstrated a planting for them before they got started and talked to them about how important trees are for all of us, but particularly for their generation, who will have to deal with climate change in the future. He told them that the school has been flooded twice in the last 10 years, with water flowing down Water Street from the fields on the ridge. Our trees will help to hold water in the future and prevent future flooding. We were all impresed with the children's knowledge of environmental matters, which we understand they are being taught about in school. Chidren, staff and CWCT volunteers alike all had a really good afternoon and hope to be able to repeat the experience in the autumn when there will be more trees to plant. We hope the school will also use the Trust land for other environmental topics now they know how easy it is to get groups from the school to the woodland. It appears some people are not sure where the CWCT land is! Starting from in front of the church, walk away from the green and turn sharp left up Butt Lane. At the top, where Butt Lane meets Dyers Road, carry on straight over into the unnamed lane going north. (It is actually Hellards Hill Lane but isn't marked.) Follow the lane round two bends, first to right and next to left. Carry on on the next bend to the right, but don't turn, instead walk straight ahead into the CWCT land. You can't miss it now as the 200 trees already planted are very obvious in their green guards! It's a nice walk from the green ,taking 15-20 minutes and can be made into a circular walk if you carry on down the lane and take the footpath to your right before the house at the end of the lane. That brings you out to Dyers Road, cross over and keep straight on back to the green! As tree planting is finished for the season we must again thank the organisations that have given us grants for trees and shrubs and also the stakes and guards to protect them.Our first grant for 400 trees and shrubs involved three organisations- Reimagining the Levels (,) obtained a grant from the Somerset Rivers Authority ( on our behalf and used the money to procured the plants from the Woodland Trust ( RtL themselves provided the guards and stakes for them. This protection is essential as there are many roe deer in the area that will be very happy to nibble young trees given the chance! These organisations will provide a further 400 plants under the same grant during next winter. One Planet Matters ( donated 100 trees and 50 tree guards/stakes to the project. They have supplied species that are naturally found in the south west to cut out the danger of introducing disease and the trees are well suited to our ground. The Trust is very grateful to these organisations, as it is to all those who have helped with planting recently and those detailed on the "Thanks" page, without whom we would not have been able to purchase the land. Registered charity number 1190031 If you would like to become a member of the Trust and be able to attend meetings and have your say please contact the Secretary by email to