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Sunday, January 09, 2022

Curry Woods Conservation Trust located in Curry Rivel , Somerset , UK

We will finalise plans for the second phase of tree planting for our new woodland!

Volunteers to help with tree planting welcome.


Agenda for the Trustee 2022 meeting to be held in Curry Rivel 

on Friday 14th January at 7.30pm


1.  Apologies for absence

2.  Approval of minutes of previous meeting held on November30th 2021

3.  Matters arising.

4.  Collection of trees 17/18 January 9, 2022

5.  Planting on 19th January

- attendees

- start time


6.  Woodland management plan - CM

7.  Insurance 

8.  Update on finance- AC

9.  AOB
