The Wildlife Trusts and the RSPB often work together in the interests of wildlife. Many of our members are also members of the RSPB and so it is useful I think to show here an email notice I have just received from the RSPB. Its copied below for your information. Here is a link to the relevant RSPB web site: own local group have an important meeting this Thursday 28th on the subject of Climate Change and so this is very relevant. The Wildlife Trusts are part of the national campaign.
Message from the RSPB:
Get the facts
What is Stop Climate Chaos?
Join our climate rally on 4 November
Why climate matters for British wildlife
What climate change means for you
What climate change means for the planet
About the petition
How our climate is changing already
Can the world meet the challenge?
Frequently asked questions
Calculate your carbon budget
Join our climate rally on 4 November
Join thousands of people on Saturday 4 November in Trafalgar Square for the launch of the 'I Count' campaign - calling for more Government action on climate change.
The rally has been arranged by the Stop Climate Chaos coalition and will create truly large-scale public pressure for climate action.
Exclusive RSPB pre-rally event
We're inviting you, your family and friends to an exclusive event immediately before the Stop Climate Chaos rally.
Learn more about how and why the RSPB is campaigning to limit climate change, listen to presentations from several expert speakers and meet other RSPB supporters. There will be RSPB staff on hand to answer any questions you may have.
This special event is being held at the Emmanuel Centre in central London. Doors will open for registration at 11 am, when tea and coffee will be available, with formal presentations beginning at 11.45 am. A light packed lunch will then be provided before we depart at 1 pm and walk to Trafalgar Square to join the Stop Climate Chaos mass rally.
Places at the RSPB's event are free, but they are limited. To avoid disappointment, book online now. If you have any questions about the event please telephone Anna Hughes on 01767 680551, or e-mail
Join us in Trafalgar Square
The Stop Climate Chaos mass rally will feature a range of top name speakers as well as music, film and messages of solidarity from those around the UK who cannot be there in person. The public pressure generated through the mobilisation of thousands of people on 4 November will combine with the tens of thousands of pledges of support we have gathered so far, and send out a strong call for Government leadership on climate action in advance of the United Nation's climate talks, which begin later that month in Nairobi.
The RSPB, as part of Stop Climate Chaos, is calling for more Government action to limit climate change. Specifically, the UK Government must:
Do all it can to ensure global greenhouse gas emissions are falling by 2015
Set a Carbon Budget to ensure UK greenhouse gas emissions fall by 3% every year from now
Help poor countries cope with disasters caused by climate change and get access to clean energy to help eliminate poverty
Without urgent action, up to one third of land-based plants and animals could be committed to extinction by 2050. If we can limit the average rise in global temperature to less than 2°C, we can prevent the worst damage to wildlife and people.
We hope to see you on Saturday 4 November, for what promises to be a really worthwhile and enjoyable day.
29 August 2006