Yet another fruitful session. Despite the relatively low numbers of members taking advantage of having a professional artist spend two mornings with us to guide us in trying to see everyday things in a new light we all felt it was a success. Unlike last year we had managed to produce attempts at some form of artistic interpretation of images seen during walks round Compton Dundon on the two Saturday sessions. We were able to compare our efforts of photography and sketching without feeling embarrassed about what we might feel about our own work.
This photo was my attempt to capture the richness of these grasses as they bent in the wind and created an interesting pattern. That's what I hoped anyway.
A big surprise to me was that a suggestion was made that we continue with our sessions and formed an ongoing arts and wildlife group. We are considering meeting once a month on a Saturday morning to try to develop our interest again with Jenny Graham to give us some guidance and inspiration. More on this soon. The word ARTS was chosen to show that we are interested in all forms of artistic work not just photography say. We are appreciative of the time Jenny has given to this project and for her interest in working with us in the Wildlife Trust.
Jenny has been exhibiting some of her paintings at the MKgallery in Somerton as part of the Art Week. Her web site can be seen with this link.